Press releases

The World Around You Foundation profile

The World Around You Foundation is a Foundation established by Siberian
Wellness. Preserving the beauty of nature is our value, so we support projects to#nbsp;study and protect rare animal species, restore forests, and help people who find#nbsp;themselves in difficult situations.

Our Foundation works thanks to contributions from Siberian Wellness and#nbsp;private donations from Consultants. In 11 years we have collected and sent for#nbsp;good deeds over 130 million rubles and have held 300+ events.

Eco-approach: Live consciously, think globally, act extensively
Together with other organizations and partner foundations, the Company develops large-scale eco-projects aimed at protecting rare animals and birds (snow leopards, Baikal seals, saker falcons), endemic plants, and natural wonders (Lake Baikal).

Every year the Company allocates about 30 million rubles to help these projects.

Our key projects
Snow leopard (ounce)
Snow leopards are unique felines that live high in the mountains. They often fall#nbsp;prey to poachers or are caught in traps and loops set for other animals. A#nbsp;reduction in the number of leopards could lead to the complete extinction of#nbsp;the species, as well as the Uncia genus.

Due to its secretive lifestyle and specific habitat, the ounce remains one of the most understudied animals. However, the study, observation, and timely action#nbsp;#nbsp;help save the snow leopard. Over several years of work, the Foundation has#nbsp;helped to carry out systematic monitoring of 70-75 individuals.
Snow leopards are unique felines that live high in the mountains. They often fall prey to poachers or are caught in traps and loops set for other animals. A reduction in the number of leopards could lead to the complete extinction of the species, as well as the Uncia genus.

Due to its secretive lifestyle and specific habitat, the ounce remains one of the most understudied animals. However, the study, observation, and timely action help save the snow leopard. Over several years of work, the Foundation has helped to carry out systematic monitoring of 70-75 individuals.

Birds of prey
In early June 2017, the first project was launched to revive the saker falcon in Russia because of the critical situation: The population has declined by 20% in 10 years. Thanks to joint efforts of the Russian Raptor Research and Conservation Network and The World Around You Foundation, there is hope for the recovery of the bird population.

The Company was among the first to help the concerned scientists. The Foundation provided food and transportation for the chicks, search for nesting sites, and payment for the experts' work. Thanks to the work of ornithologists and regular funding, 75 rare birds have taken their first flights and now live in the wild.

Protection of Baikal
Lake Baikal is a UNESCO World Heritage Site. Not only is it the largest natural reservoir of 20% of fresh lake water in the world, but it is also home to many unique animals and plants – endemics. Nevertheless, Lake Baikal's condition is deteriorating from year to year.

It is important to help Lake Baikal in a comprehensive way: To protect animals, to preserve the purity of nature, and to educate people about the environment. That's why we support a grant program for young scientists to study Baikal's red-listed and endemic animals, and we also help the projects "National Parks without Garbage" and "Baikal Conservation School".

100 ha
Fires are the biggest cause of deforestation in the world! 10,000,000 ha of forests burn every year in Russia. Our goal – planting 100 ha of new forest for every year. In 2020 we planted the first 5 ha in Novosibirsk region, and in 2021 we launched the "25 ha" project in honor of the 25th anniversary of Siberian Wellness and organized planting campaigns in 12 countries and 14 locations in the Russian Federation. A total of 113 hectares of forest – more than 453,569 trees – were planted during this time.

The "100 ha" project program includes not only the organization of planting: Young forests are subject to careful agrotechnical care during the first few years of their life. We take care of our forest and remember that 1 mature tree provides oxygen for a family of three for a year.

Siberian Help
Siberian Wellness knows that there are different kinds of good deeds and that everyone needs help. "Siberian Help" is our way of helping people in difficult situations. Together with volunteer and charitable organizations, we provide targeted financial assistance to those in need, as well as donate immune support sets by Siberian Wellness.
Reindeer are regularly killed by poachers. Another two risk factors are uncontrolled tourism and climate change. Herds travel over 3,000 km a year. The migration instinct of reindeer has been developed over thousands of years of migrations. Now, this process is under threat: The timing and routes of migration are shifting, and the fodder base is changing.

We aim to increase or stabilize the population of an endangered species by protecting reindeer from poachers and making sure tourists behave more responsibly.
Bowhead whale
The bowhead whale is the only species of its kind. The southernmost population lives year-round in the Sea of Okhotsk, never leaving Russian waters. As a result of ruthless whaling, almost all of the bowhead whales have been completely exterminated. Fishing nets, uncontrolled tourism and passing ships, which can injure or even kill the whale, also pose a serious threat as well.

Our goal is to raise and allocate 5 million rubles annually to support bowhead whales. These funds will help create new rules of behavior for tourists, form and approve legal requirements for the use of watercraft in Wrangel Bay, as well as provide researchers with the necessary equipment.

The World Around You Foundation has also released a special training course, EcoStep, which helps people learn the basics of eco-lifestyle and acquire new eco-skills. The free online course explains the basics of green behavior in a simple and easy way and immerses the participant in a green culture.

Siberian Wellness ecopolicy

Siberian Wellness follows the Sustainable Development Goals developed by the United Nations. The Company uses eco-friendly materials to create products. All complexes are equipped with modern filtration systems that minimize environmental pollution. The Company rationalizes all the resources it uses and develops green technologies in its offices.

Our products are free from sulphates, parabens, phthalates, artificial dyes, mineral oils, fragrances and other substances potentially harmful to humans and the environment


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2022-09-16 12:52