We created Siberian Wellness pursuing a goal: to make the world a better place. We have been striving to give everyone an opportunity to people to realize their potential and to open an exciting world of Siberian nature for them.
27 years later, our goals are more global. Our sustainability strategy is implemented in several key directions. We are improving green production by investing in innovations and opening new production and logistics sites, opening new stores, expanding more and more geographically, and supporting talents worldwide. We support environmental projects, continue to develop a culture of responsible consumption, and promote natural, safe products for an active lifestyle in all countries where we operate.
Что такое «Устойчивое развитие»?
Устойчивое развитие (англ. sustainable development) – глобальная инициатива ООН, направленная на позитивные и ответственные изменения в мире. Данная стратегия объединяет в себе несколько десятков задач, направленных на ликвидацию нищеты, голода, повышение уровня образования, улучшение экологической обстановки в мире, совершенствование технологий, борьбу с изменением климата и установление гендерного равенства.
We believe that, during a period of increasing global challenges, a sustainable development strategy is the key to preserving peace and, in the long term, to achieving well-being for all humanity. Therefore we improve our Company structure, production and development strategies step by step. Our Sustainable Development Plan is developed up to 2030.
Make great presentations, longreads, and landing pages, as well as photo stories, blogs, lookbooks, and all other kinds of content oriented projects.
Our goals:
Avoid layering: 100% of the assortment without excessive packaging (not more than two layers)
What are our actions?
We have conducted the eco-auditing of 300 product items: internal procedures and standards for the eco-friendly packaging have been implemented.
90% of the products have 100% recyclable packaging
Placing the 100% true information about the used materials on the website and product packaging for the future recycling process
We reduce and eventually stop using cardboard boxes, refuse to use extra packaging and we have saved about 36 tonnes of cardboard in 2021.
We are switching to use recyclable materials.
We use reusable packaging.
We have produced eco-friendly reusable bags and reduced use of plastic ones.
Company's products are made on the basis of natural components from an ecologically clean regions to provide maximum safety for our Clients and to exclude the toxic impact on nature. We do not test our products on animals.
Use of the recycled product for the packaging of at least 50% of the assortment (PET bottles for dietary supplements, PET-flasks, tubes, cardboard boxes, ECObags)
Content Oriented Web
Make great presentations, longreads, and landing pages, as well as photo stories, blogs, lookbooks, and all other kinds of content oriented projects.
Stores and offices
Our goals:
100% of corporate SIBERIAN WELLNESS Stores:
comply with an eco-standard;
are subject to an annual eco-audit;
implemented a recycling collection program
What are our actions?
Development of an eco-standard for SIBERIAN WELLNESS Stores.
Eco-audit of 57 SIBERIAN WELLNESS Stores in the Russian Federation.
Development of a recycling collection program for Stores in the Russian Federation.
Make great presentations, longreads, and landing pages, as well as photo stories, blogs, lookbooks, and all other kinds of content oriented projects.
Eco-education and culture
Our goals:
Availability of environmental content for Consultants and Customers in all countries where the Company operates
What are our actions?
We have developed and implemented the EcoStep – modern online training aimed at development of eco-culture to improve enviromental literacy of the society.
A recycling collection program has been developed for Stores in the Russian Federation.
We use an internal system for making donations to the wildlife conservation fund for the registered Clients and Consultants in My eco-fund.
The offered project and eco- themes of the opened webinars are:
Our eco-values also have practical application: Learn new things, share content, actively participate in the life of the Siberian Wellness environmental work.